Gurdwara Janamasthan Nankana sahib Pakistan

Gurdwara Janamasthan Nankana Sahib Pakistan:

A Sacred Oasis in the Heart of Pakistan

Gurdwara Nankana Sahib stands as a testament to the Sikh faith, a revered place that holds deep historical importance. This holy site, built in the 19th century under the guidance of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, pays tribute to Guru Nanak Sahib, the founder of Sikhism. It marks the very place of Guru Nanak Dev’s birth and sits peacefully in Nankana Sahib, a serene town just 95 kilometers from Lahore in Punjab, Pakistan.

A Tale of Resilience:

Originally constructed around 1600 CE, Gurdwara Nankana Sahib underwent a revival during 1819–20 CE. This renewal was a testament to the enduring devotion of the Sikh community, led by Maharaja Jassa Singh Ramgarhia and inspired by the Sikh Conference of Panjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Peshawar, Kangra, and Hazara.

A Dark Chapter:

However, history also holds a darker moment. In 1921, during the Akali dal movement, a tragic event occurred known as the Nankana massacre. On a fateful day in February, Narain Das, the Udasi mahant, ordered the firing upon Akali protesters, a painful memory that lingers. The aftermath led to condemnation and a determined effort to regain control of the Janam Asthan Gurdwara from the hands of the past. In the 1930s and 40s, the Sikh community adorned their sanctuary with architectural marvels, solidifying their faith.

Shifting Sands of Time:

Over time, migration transformed the region. Before independence, people moved freely between India and Pakistan. In the 20th century, Western Punjab embraced Islam, supporting the Muslim League and the Pakistan Movement. The division in 1947 resulted in the exodus of Hindus and Sikhs to India, while Muslim refugees settled in their spaces.

A Growing Vision:

In this cradle of faith, the landscape continued to change. Nankana Sahib evolved from a tehsil to its own district in May 2005, part of the government’s efforts to foster development in the area.

A Vision for the Future:

The future holds grand ambitions, including plans for a sprawling 100-acre university, hospitals, and healthcare facilities. These aspirations are nurtured by the descendants of Rai Bular, who witnessed Guru Nanak’s journey.

A Beacon of Learning and Reverence:

In 2007, Pakistan’s government embarked on a new chapter for Nankana Sahib—a dedication to learning and reverence. The vision was an international Guru Nanak University, a center of scholarship and cultural understanding. General (Retd) Zulfikar Ali Khan, Chairman of Pakistan’s Evacuee Trust Property Board, envisioned an institution that would honor Guru Nanak’s teachings through exquisite architecture, pioneering curricula, and a thriving research center.

A Living Tribute:

The story of Gurdwara Nankana Sahib, woven with threads of devotion, sacrifice, and renewal, continues to illuminate the hearts and minds of sangat and scholars alike. It is a living tribute to a profound legacy that transcends borders and time itself.

Exploring the Magnificence of Gurdwara Nankana Sahib:

In the heart of Pakistan lies a place that calls out to the sangat—a Gurdham, a sanctuary of unmatched significance. Gurdwara Nankana Sahib stands as a radiant jewel, inviting devotees on a transformative journey, an odyssey of deep spiritual discovery.

The Birthplace of Guru Nanak Sahib:

Imagine entering the very Gurdham where Guru Nanak Dev, the spiritual luminary who lit the path of Sikhism, was born. This isn’t just a journey; it’s a voyage that transcends time and place, taking you back to the dawn of a legacy.

Awe-Inspiring Architecture:

As you step onto the sacred grounds, you’ll be greeted by architectural wonders that capture the essence of devotion. The graceful arches and majestic domes of the Gurdham narrate a story of intricate craftsmanship and unwavering faith, guiding your journey with each step.

History Comes Alive:

The aura of Gurdwara Nankana Sahib resonates with the threads of history woven into its walls. Maharaja Jassa Singh Ramgarhia’s renovations serve as a testament to the Sikh community’s unwavering commitment—a legacy you’ll encounter on your journey.

Triumphs amid Trials:

Yet, history also reveals trials that tested the Sikh spirit. The Nankana massacre of 1921 cast a shadow, but the resolve of the Sikh community illuminated a path towards triumph. Your journey leads you through these chapters, where sacrifices paved the way for resurgence.

A Unifying Force:


Gurdwara Nankana Sahib goes beyond being just a Gurdham; it serves as a unifying force. It bridges geographical borders, connecting Sikhs in Pakistan with their global sangat. Your journey unfolds on a bridge of shared heritage, proving that faith knows no borders.

Embracing a Vision for the Future:

Your journey doesn’t end with history; it envisions a future steeped in education. The idea of an international Guru Nanak University symbolizes the Gurdham’s commitment to nurturing knowledge. Your journey becomes a part of this legacy, embracing both past and future.

Soul-Stirring Journeys Begin:

Devotees embark on soul-stirring journeys to Gurdwara Nankana Sahib, seeking not just a physical adventure, but a spiritual quest. The journey touches the heart and soul, forging a connection with Guru Nanak’s teachings that’s indelible and transformative.

A Living Legacy:

Within these sacred walls, history breathes, and the Gurdham lives—a living legacy that embraces all who set out on a journey. The devotion, resilience, and message of Guru Nanak are palpable, inviting you to be a part of this eternal narrative.

Revel in the Splendor:

So, as you set forth on your own journey to Gurdwara Nankana Sahib, let the magnificence of the Gurdham surround you. With each step, you’ll be drawn deeper into the tapestry of faith, history, and spirituality that defines this sacred haven.