Gurdwara at bhail gram

Gurdwara Pehli Patshahi: A Historical Gem in Bhail Village, Kasur
Importance of this Place:
Gurdwara Pehli Patshahi holds immense historical and spiritual significance as a place of worship dedicated to Jagat Guru Nanak Sahib. It serves as a testament to the rich heritage and cultural legacy of the Sikh community in the region.
Story Behind:
Jagat Guru Nanak Sahib visited the village of Bhail during his journey from Manga to Ram Thaman. It is said that he spent some time in this village, leaving behind a spiritual imprint that continues to resonate through the ages.
Gurdwara Pehli Patshahi is located in the village of Bhail, near the village of Rossay, along the Manga-Kasur road. It is approximately 4 kilometers away from the main road, with Kasur city in close proximity, near the India border.
Preservation Efforts:
Efforts are being made to preserve the remaining architectural elements of Gurdwara Pehli Patshahi. While much of the structure has faded with time, the surviving arched door and intricate brickwork serve as a reminder of its past glory.
Architectural Marvel:
The arched entrance of Gurdwara Pehli Patshahi stands as an architectural marvel, showcasing intricate brickwork and craftsmanship. While the Prakashasthan, where Guru Granth Sahib was ceremoniously placed, is no longer present, the surviving elements offer a glimpse into the grandeur of the Gurdwara’s past.
Historical Evolution:
Over time, Gurdwara Pehli Patshahi has witnessed changes and transformations. From being a splendid place of worship dedicated to Guru Nanak Sahib to its current state of housing refugees in its residential quarters, the Gurdwara’s history reflects the enduring spirit of the Sikh community in Pakistan.

The village of Bhail has a rich history intertwined with the visit of Guru Nanak Sahib and the establishment of Gurdwara Pehli Patshahi. The spiritual significance of this sacred place continues to resonate through the ages, attracting visitors and devotees from far and wide.
Historical Significance:
Gurdwara Pehli Patshahi holds immense historical significance as a symbol of the Sikh community’s heritage and spiritual devotion. Despite the changes it has undergone over time, the Gurdwara remains a cherished landmark, inviting visitors to explore its past and connect with the enduring legacy of Guru Nanak Sahib’s teachings.