Gurdwara Nihang Singhan

Gurdwara Nihang Singhan, Nankana Sahib: A Testament of Faith Amidst Turmoil

A Sacred Moment on a Pak Yatra:

As you traverse the tapestry of history on your spiritual journey, you’ll encounter Gurdwara Nihang Singhan—a place of reverence nestled between Gurdwara Sri Tambu Sahib and Gurdwara Sri Hargobind Sahib.

Where Devotion Converged:

Gurdwara Sri Tambu Sahib was once under the watchful eyes of the Nihang Sikhs. In this dynamic setting, a unique story unfolded—a tale of service and devotion. Mahant Bhai Sharam Singh, under the guidance of the Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, undertook the noble duty of serving Guru Granth Sahib. However, Nihang Ujagar Singh envisioned things differently, leading to the establishment of a separate Prakashasthan near Gurdwara Sri Tambu Sahib.

Preserving Nihang Legacy:

This Prakash  asthan, often called Nihang Singh Chaoni, took shape as Gurdwara Nihang Singhan—an embodiment of Nihang Sikh heritage. Positioned near Gurdwara Sri Tambu Sahib, it stands as a living testament to the diverse perspectives that have enriched the Sikh community.

Recalling a Pivotal Moment:

In the pages of history, the year 1921 holds great significance—the Nankana Massacre, also known as Saka Nankana. Amidst the fervor of the Akali movement, a distressing event unfolded on February 20th. Narain Das, a udasi mahant tainted by corruption, ordered his followers to unleash violence upon Akali protesters. The aftermath of this tragic incident, known as the Nankana massacre, sparked widespread condemnation.

A Cry for Justice amid Turbulence:

The gunfire that stained that fateful day stirred a collective call for justice. The Sikh community united, launching an unwavering protest. Their demand was clear—to regain control of the historic Janam Asthan Gurdwara and restore it to the Sikh community’s stewardship.

Witnessing History’s Flux:

Gurdwara Nihang Singhan, standing as a silent observer of history’s tides, invites sangat to ponder the unwavering strength of faith amid tumultuous times. The sacred grounds, infused with the spirit of the Nihang Sikhs, serve as a poignant reminder of the intricate narratives that have woven Pakistan’s spiritual fabric.



Confluence of Devotion and Cultural Exploration:

During your journeys of cultural discovery, Gurdwara Nihang Singhan emerges as a focal point—a bridge connecting devotion with heritage tourism. Sangat and tourists traverse not just physical distances but also the profound journey of comprehending the diverse facets of Sikh history.

Strengthening Dharmak Bonds:

Gurdwara Nihang Singhan is more than a place—it’s a living embodiment of the dharmak bonds that transcend generations. On a pak yatra, sangat rekindles these bonds, forging a deeper connection to their heritage and spiritual essence.

An Invitation to Pause, Reflect, and Connect:

Gurdwara Nihang Singhan extends a heartfelt invitation—to pause, to reflect, and to connect. Amidst the echoes of history and devotion, every visitor discovers a unique opportunity to embrace the narratives that have defined Gurdwara Nihang Singhan’s role in Pakistan’s spiritual journey.